Some people may avoid coconut oil over concerns that it clogs one’s pores or leaves one’s hair feeling dry or crunchy. However, hair detanglers and body butters (which are great on their own) are not the only way to use coconut oil on a regular basis. The power of coconut oil is its versatility.
There are many uses that you might not have considered before. There is no need to remain skeptical about this natural oil with a little bit of innovation.
In this series, we’re going to introduce five creative uses for coconut oil.
#1. Shaving Cream
Using coconut oil to shave body hair can be a less expensive alternative to drugstore shaving cream and soothe skin. In fact, some commercial brands actually contain coconut oil.
It can be used in its solid form on its own by applying the freshly washed legs or armpits. You might find this too runny since it will naturally melt when left on the skin. Alternatively, use a hand mixer to blend the coconut oil with some Shea Butter (both oil and butter should be at room temperature) and Vitamin E oil. The key is to use more oil than butter to create a lighter consistency than one desires to have in a body butter.

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Next week, we’ll continue with the next idea.
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