#2. Ayurveda for Hair Care
You may have always considered using Ayurvedic herbs and powders such as amla, henna, fenugreek or hibiscus in your hair care routine, but weren’t sure where to start.
One of the best benefits of using Ayurvedic hair care is it aids in preventing breakage and retaining length.
Many commercial brands of Ayurvedic oils consist of mineral oil as the main ingredient. That may not be necessarily harmful to your hair, but it certainly does not benefit your hair. Mineral oil is simply a barrier to moisture reaching your hair and scalp, leading to dehydrated strands and dry skin. That in turn requires frequent washing with shampoo in order to strip your hair, causing a cycle of dryness and breakage.
Ayurvedic ingredients can be mixed into coconut oil to create a hot oil treatment or combine them with warm water, adding in the oil to create a hair mask.
It is best to use these treatments before shampooing or before deep conditioning in order to remove any residue as some Ayurvedic powders leave a gritty residue. However, straining the oil mixture results in a light infused oil which can be used daily without having to be washed out of your hair. It can be used for scalp massages or applying to your ends.
Image by Freepik
Next week, we’ll continue with the next idea.
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